Japanese Disclosures

HPS Investment Partners, LLC(以下、「HPS」といいます。)は、下記ジェネラル・パートナーからの委託を受けて、別紙様式第20号の2及び第21号の3に該当する資料(以下、「当該資料」といいます。)を公衆の縦覧に供するための手続きを行います。ご希望の方は下記アドレスまでご連絡ください。

[email protected]




HPS Strategic Investment Partners V Offshore GP of GP, LLC

  • HPS Offshore Strategic Investment Partners V, L.P.

HPS GP Lux S.à r.l.

  • HPS Specialty Loan International Fund VI-L, SCSp

  • HPS Specialty Loan International Fund VI, SCSp

HPS Special Situations Opportunity II Offshore GP Lux S.à r.l.

  • HPS Special Situations Opportunity Offshore Fund II, SCSp


HPS Investment Partners, LLC ("HPS"), acting in its capacity as a delegate of the following General Partners, shall make available the Form 20-2 and Form 21-3 (the "Materials") to Japan public.  Any person that wishes to receive a copy of the Materials, please kindly contact the following e-mail address:

[email protected]


Name of General Partner operating under the Article 63 Exemption

Name of the Limited Partnership Fund

HPS Strategic Investment Partners V Offshore GP of GP, LLC

  • HPS Offshore Strategic Investment Partners V, L.P.

HPS GP Lux S.à r.l.

  • HPS Specialty Loan International Fund VI-L, SCSp

  • HPS Specialty Loan International Fund VI, SCSp

HPS Special Situations Opportunity II Offshore GP Lux S.à r.l.

  • HPS Special Situations Opportunity Offshore Fund II, SCSp






The Materials are provided to you for informational purposes only and does not constitute the provision of investment advice. In addition, the information contained in the Materials does not constitute an offer to sell nor a solicitation of any offer to buy and is not intended to be, and should not be construed as, an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to buy any type of securities, financial products or other services offered by HPS and its affiliates to any person in Japan to whom such offer would be unlawful under the applicable laws of Japan.